Late Antiquity

Patrono suo dedicavit. La evolución de las tábulas de patronato en época tardía

Ancient History / Classics / Roman History / Late Antiquity / Latin Epigraphy / Roman Epigraphy / Roman Empire / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Roman Epigraphy / Roman Empire / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology


Late Antiquity / Baleares /Balearic Islands / Late Antiquity in the Balearic Islands / Roman Crisis of the Third Century


Late Antique and Byzantine Studies / Byzantine Studies / Late Antiquity / Byzantine Archaeology / Baleares /Balearic Islands / BYZANTINE SEALS / Late Antiquity in the Balearic Islands / Balearic Archaeology / BYZANTINE SEALS / Late Antiquity in the Balearic Islands / Balearic Archaeology

Crimen y castigo en la mar: el archipirata Contradis y la inquietud marítima del Mediterráneo Occidental a comienzos del s. V

Patristics / Maritime History / Mediterranean Studies / Late Antiquity / Piracy / Roman Society

Las gentes germánicas y los conflictos de poder en la Hispania de comienzos del siglo V

Late Antiquity / Hispania / Late Roman Spain / Roman Spain / Barbarians and Romans in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages / Hispania romana / Barbarians societies, Late Antiquity, Ethnogenesis, Funerary World, Goths, Vandals, Sueves, Alans / Hispania romana / Barbarians societies, Late Antiquity, Ethnogenesis, Funerary World, Goths, Vandals, Sueves, Alans

La Musealización de Ategua.

Landscape Archaeology / Late Antique Archaeology / Late Antiquity / Museology / Roman Archaeology

Beyond Ceramic Unguentaria: A Closer Look at Late Antique Trade of Glass Unguentaria in the Roman Province of Egypt

Ancient History / Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / Near Eastern Archaeology / Classics / Roman History / Late Antique and Byzantine Studies / Near Eastern Studies / Late Antique Archaeology / Byzantine Studies / Late Antiquity / Ancient Near East / Nabataeans (Archaeology) / Ancient Near East (Archaeology) / Nabataean Petra / Roman Archaeology / Roman History / Late Antique and Byzantine Studies / Near Eastern Studies / Late Antique Archaeology / Byzantine Studies / Late Antiquity / Ancient Near East / Nabataeans (Archaeology) / Ancient Near East (Archaeology) / Nabataean Petra / Roman Archaeology

Metalurgia del hierro en el yacimiento tardoantiguo de El Castillón (Santa Eulalia de Tábara, Zamora)

Late Antique Archaeology / Metallurgy / Late Antiquity / Archaeometallurgy / Antigüedad Tardía / Arqueometalurgia

Rev. R. Donciu, L’empereur Maxence, Bari 2012, Sylloge Epigraphica Barcinonensis XII, 2014, pp. 276-278.

History / Archaeology / Classics / Roman History / Humanities / Late Antiquity / Roman Army / Roman Empire / Roman Emperors / Roman Archaeology / Late Antiquity / Roman Army / Roman Empire / Roman Emperors / Roman Archaeology

Cerámicas tardorromanas y altomedievales en El Monastil (Ello), Elda, Alicante

Late Antique Archaeology / Early Medieval Archaeology / Late Antiquity / Late Roman Archaeology / Late Roman Pottery

El Valle de Elda, de los romanos al final de la Antigüedad

Late Antiquity / Late Roman Archaeology / Visigothic Spain / Roman Spain / Roman Archaeology

La región de la Oróspeda tras Leovigildo. Organización y administración del territorio, Verdolay, 11, 263-276.

Late Antique Archaeology / Early Medieval Archaeology / Early Medieval History / Late Antiquity / Visigothic Spain / Visigodos

Una Imagen para una Fe. Aproximación a la iconografía oficial romana en el siglo IV d.C.

Iconography / Late Antique and Byzantine Studies / Late Antique Archaeology / Early Christianity / Roman Religion / Emperor Julian / Late Antiquity / Byzantine Archaeology / Late Antique Art and Archaeology / Late Roman Archaeology / Constantine the Great, Roman Empire, Early Christianity / Theodosius / Emperor Julian / Late Antiquity / Byzantine Archaeology / Late Antique Art and Archaeology / Late Roman Archaeology / Constantine the Great, Roman Empire, Early Christianity / Theodosius

Monumentalización y regresión urbana en un municipio flavio del norte del convento jurídico Cesaraugustano: Los Bañales de Uncastillo

Late Antiquity / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Ancient History of the Iberian Peninsula/Hispania / Roman Spain / Roman Architecture and Urbanism / Roman Forums / Roman local elites / Roman Cities / Roman Forums / Roman local elites / Roman Cities
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